Is life a movie

Today is Saturday and as I daze I ask myself. Why could life not be like a movie? But isn’t it a movie? We often talk about walking into our destiny. Living our truth. This clearly means that there is some script. Is there an invisible script?

I reflect on where I am and how sometimes. I feel like am in a state of dé·jà vu. Am I the only one who feels like I either lived or predicted this experience? Was it scripted?

The truth is that if we believe in God and we take faith seriously, then the concept of a movie as life can be “God is the author and finisher of our faith”. So, HE writes, directs, produces, and publishes—an interesting and surreal thought.

Therefore, if we are actors/actresses in this movie called Life, it means that we have to show up prepared. It means that we must be resourced, look the part, sound it, know it, and be confident to play it as it is already craved out for us. Isn’t it? But how?

Like in the movie, life has plots that change and alter our course. Each day our episode comes with a lesson that brings tears, an eye-opener, joy, success or failure. Life is the movie categorized as a mystery trilogy.

I am still reflecting on life being a movie. It makes sense, right? A movie has a script, but in life, I walk without knowing. Strange, or is it?



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